Motion Graphics

Sometimes creating animations and motion graphics is the definition of “easier said than done.” A concept you’ve seen over and over again and seems simple in fact becomes incredibly tedious to create. I used to shy away from creating motion graphics, but sometimes circumstances make you level up, even if you don’t feel like you have enough experience points.


Motion Graphics Reel


My best examples of motion graphics work all in one video for your convenience! All motion graphics created using Adobe After Effects.

Scroll down for more in depth looks at my processes for each animation.


‘Beneath’ Promo


Created as part of Motion Graphics I course through UCLA Extension. The prompt was to create a promo for an ocean themed app called ‘Beneath’. I scripted and storyboarded the promo to have a point of view of a diver going to different ocean zones to see different features of the app. Then I created it all using a combination of Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro. Since I’m not the best artist, many of the designs here are stock graphics that I animated. To date, this is my most complex animation as it challenged me to use 3 different Adobe programs, but it really came out just how I envisioned it!

Stock graphics edited in Illustrator
Animation created in After Effects
Audio effects added in Premiere Pro

Motion Graphics for UCI BioSci

I’m most comfortable with a camera in hand, but due to COVID-19, I was told to work from home and have not been allowed back on campus since March. That resulted in an abrupt stop to any photography or videography and a shift to editing at home recorded recorded videos sent to me for editing. I wanted to do more than just show the video of the person and saw this as an opportunity to challenge myself and dive into the world of motion graphics. Check out some of my work below! (Hopefully it improves over time.)


2021 Dean’s Report Cover

Animated the 2021 UCI BioSci’s Dean’s Report cover which featured looking down the eyepiece of a microscope towards the title of the year’s Dean’s Report. Animation features the microscope slide sliding under the lens, the magnification of the Dean’s Report title, then the title coming in and out of focus as the microscope knobs turn.

Animated in After Effects
Cover artwork created in collaboration with outside designer

UCI BioSci Holiday Greeting Card

Holiday greeting card for UCI BioSci to distribute electronically to recipients within the UCI campus, to the outside community, and on UCI BioSci’s social media. I envisioned the anteaters in the foreground ‘talking’ to each other and ‘reading’ and animated each light to twinkle. Then I wanted the card cover to unfold and reveal the holiday message inside. Inside, the anteater is showing UCI’s Zot hand sign with snow falling in the background.

Animated in After Effects
Artwork created in collaboration with outside designer and illustrator

Donuts with the Dean Animation

Created for UCI BioSci’s Donuts with the Dean event. I wanted to animate the donuts floating in the stock photo. I pulled the photo into Photoshop, separated the donuts from the background and filled in the background. Then I pulled the image into After Effects where I animated each donut to float upwards and have the text appear.

Edited in Photoshop
Animated in After Effects